Very powerful; very artistic. There were so many things in there that moved me that I can't make a list of them. Thank you.
Very powerful; very artistic. There were so many things in there that moved me that I can't make a list of them. Thank you.
Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Very nice. I liked the "chalkboard" look to it; it's a nice switch from other stick flashes. Also, it was very well done, and the ending was amazing. Of course, I might have thought it was amazing [the ending], only because I was daft enough not to realize who Bill Murray was until I saw his face. >Ghostbusters Rule!!!<
Thanks! ^_^
Once again, a smashing idea. The segues were almost defying the laws of physics (again) with how smooth they were. The musical choice was, well, choice, and by that I mean very good. I also liked the expansion of color pallet, that really made the animation better. Thank you!
Very nice, the way that each author's part of the animation segued into the next. Also, the fact that there wasn't a sudden change in styles was nice. And as for the music: classic. Literally.
Very cool.
Nice animation; I didn't know that you collabbed in Sonic Shorts. Anyway, the music was great, and the fact that you had no voices made it more... Dramatic, I guess. It really made you focus more intently on the expression of the character's face and body language. Thanks. A five of five.
So Random
So amazing.
I liked how it dived into color. That made it both more artistic and interesting. Thank you.
It's silly and I liked the way you started the Dinobot idea. Maybe that's how the dinobots got here...
Actually, that's really close to how it happened on the show! I based it on the G1 episode where they introduced em :)
Might be another one or two in the next one too!
Very nice!
I never knew sonic could be drawn so well in Flash.
Well, I like to draw. I "work" as an "Interactive Audio/Visual Media Tester". And, for those of you without a sense of sarcasm or humor, basically what I do is sit around my house playing video games all day. No, I do not get paid. And that's all. 7 left!
Age 32, Male
IAV Media Tester
University of IAV Media
Varies. What week is it?
Joined on 10/20/07