View Profile pbjplatypus

44 Game Reviews

I quite enjoyed the game! Though I've played others like it, it was rather good. Graphics are nice and cartoony, simplistic... And the controls and gameplay are fun. My biggest complaint, however, was the sheer amount of airplanes in the upper atmosphere. I ended up having multiple walls of airplanes that I couldn't maneuver around, forcing me to hit them and either lose momentum or start into a nosedive. I really, really wish there'd been some sort of inertial dampener upgrade, but alas. In any case, a fun game, and a great time waster.


That was interesting! I loved the narrative of it, how it was one-sided. And because it was so controlling, I began to feel real animosity towards it. But then, at the end, I started to feel almost sympathetic... It was really different, and really good. My only qualm was the difficulty at some parts. Though, given the short length of the game, it made sense, if only to lengthen it.

Great game, good sir.

This is a great game.

It really is fantastic. It's well-made and the physics is great. Its only flaw is that the difficulty is too high. The level that I particularly couldn't beat practically takes a degree in chaos theory particle physics to figure out.

Overall, it's a great game, but the learning curve is much too steep.


Wonderful game you've made here. I love the simplistic style and gameplay, as well as the very open storyline. No direct motivation; just run away as fast as you possibly can. Very nice, and adds a bit of player imagination to it. Another great thing about the game is fact that the landscape changes every time.

The small details added to the greatness as well: the birds taking flight, the glass breaking, etcetera. But the best little detail was "You ran [distance] before turning into a fine mist." That's genius. Pure and absolute genius.

The only con I could see, however, was the steep learning curve. This, however, doesn't take enough away from the game to make it bad. Absolutely spectacular game, and I applaud you for it!

This needs to get front paged.

Fantastic game. I'm not all that good at it, but it's fun. I love the three dimensions. I felt that it lacked something audio-wise, but this was also a good thing because one can make their own soundtrack.

I did, however, find the physics a bit tough. It just seemed not to have enough friction, but that might just be my preference.

So yes, a very good game indeed.


It's great idea to have a Christmas Guitar Hero. The biggest problems that I found were not sensitive enough controls, bad timing, and bad perspective.

The bad timing and perspective seem to derive from the same problem: as the notes get closer, they seem to be on this curve rather than a straight slope (Basically, they slow down at the last second). I found this annoying, to say the least.

As for the unresponsive controls, I have no idea how to fix that. I wish I could help you more on that front. I hope that you're able to fix it.

Great concept!


Good Game

Extremely fun and very challenging. The colors were amazing while gameplay was simple yet elegant in said simplicity. Timer mode was tough because I don't think very quickly. However, Puzzle mode was a great deal of fun. I got past all of the 3 sections. Section four's first puzzle is terribly tough and I cannot figure it out for the life of me. Yes, it is childish, but that is a good thing.

Finally, the music seemed reminiscent of the Build Mode in Lego Racers.

Nicely Done

'Twas interesting. I liked the humor. Also, the easter egg was pretty genius.


That was amazing! Until I got trapped in a wall somehow.

I think I was jumping right when a boulder ran under me while I was in a cave... So I git trapped in the ceiling of the cave and couldn't get out.

Very cool.

I liked how the machine moved with the music; the industrial sound made me want to dance. The presentation was very well done. However, the one gripe that I had was how quickly it got tough.

Other than that, it was good.

Well, I like to draw. I "work" as an "Interactive Audio/Visual Media Tester". And, for those of you without a sense of sarcasm or humor, basically what I do is sit around my house playing video games all day. No, I do not get paid. And that's all. 7 left!

PBJ @pbjplatypus

Age 32, Male

IAV Media Tester

University of IAV Media

Varies. What week is it?

Joined on 10/20/07

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